How to Use the Function of Rotary Marking?

in MarkingMate Manual, ,

Enable Rotary Marking

To control the Rotary Axis, users need activate the Rotary function by clicking the Layer object in Object Browser and then go to the Rotary Page of Property Table and enable this function. Or users can decide to enable rotary marking for each object or not under「Mark-Related Property Table」→「Rotary」. Layer rotary marking and object rotary marking are mutually exclusive.

Layer-Related Rotary

There are two methods of rotary: Cylinder Mode and Disc Mode. The difference between cylinder and disc is the figure of the rotary axis.

Cylinder Mode and Disc Mode

Cylinder Mode

Diameter: The diameter of the object.

Max Width: The ideal section width when marking. This value is based on the radius of axle.

Scale: Adjust the ratio of radius to reach the optimum marking effect. The default value is 1. Please refer to the following example and figures.

Example: Suppose that users set the value of rotate rate as 1.5, and the marking result is shown as Fig.6.1.03, all sections are overlapped. In this case, users should lower that value, such as 1.0, to make the marking effect optimum, see Fig.6.1.04. On the contrary, if the value of rotate rate is 0.5, and the marking result displays like Fig.6.1.05, there are intervals between each section. As a result, users should increase this value to make the marking effect become ideal, like Figure 6.1.04.

marking result

Cylinder Compensate: The default value of this function is disable. Enable the function, MarkingMate system will fix the overlapping of marking result according to the object’s radius and the Focal Length.

Focal Length: Input the focal length of the lens.

Disc Mode

Step Angle: Set the rotary angle for each step of marking.

Mark-Related Rotary


This page allows users to enable rotary marking for individual object. Fig.6.1.06 is the property page when selecting a general object.

General Object

Enable: Allow users to enable or disable the rotary axis function.

Start Position: The start angle of the rotary axis.

Text Object

When a general text object has being selected, the Rotary Page has some particular options, like Fig.6.1.07.

text object

Text option

Separate To Character: Separate the selected text into individual characters.

Pitch: The distance between each character.

Center: Calculate the pitch based on the center of the character, see Fig.

center edge

Edge: Calculate the pitch based on the edge of the character, see Fig.6.1.09.

Diameter: The software needs the diameter of the workpiece to calculate the pitch when select Edge mode.

Rotary Control Panel

After enableing rotary, click button and do the further setting.

rotary control pannel

1.Click “MOVE TO…” button and input the degree value in the dialog box and click “GO,” the rotary axis will rotate to that specific angle. The rotating speed can be adjusted from “Speed” parameter.

  1. Click the two direction buttons to move the rotary axis.
  2. Click “ZERO” and the program will set the present position as (0,0).
  3. Click “HOMING” and the rotary will move to program origin.
  4. Click “MOVE TO P”, the rotary axis will directly move to the setting position (P0~P9). Users can click “SETUP…” button to set the value of these points.
  5. Click “SETUP…” and do more detail settings, see Fig.

Program Org. [deg]: The program will consider this point as the program origin.

Axis Unit [Pulse/rev]: The pulse needed for rotary to move 1 round (must refer to the motor’s specification).

Speed [deg/sec]: The rotating speed of the rotary axis.

Backlash [deg.]: The transmission deviation between motor and axis.

Motor Reverse: Reverse the motor rotating direction.

Jog Reverse: When rotary axis is placed in the different direction with the software’s control panel, this parameter can make it rotate following the right direction.

Limit Trigger Level (0/1): 0: active low; 1: active high

Home Trigger Level (0/1): 0: active low; 1: active high

InPos Trigger Level (0/1): 0: active low; 1: active high

Acc/Dec Time [sec]: The time motor needs to reach the setting speed.

Init. Speed [mm/sec]: The initial speed of motor.

Inpos Timeout [sec]: The program will consider rotary axis completed position after passing the time setting here.

Inpos Delay [sec]: The program will wait for the setting time here to execute the next command.

Rotary Direction: Click to do further settings for the rotating direction of the rotary axis.

rotary direction

Method of Mark End: Five ways for laser to go back to the origin after finishing marking job.

  • Reverse Direction: go back to the origin by backward direction.
  • Shortest Path: go back to the origin by the shortest path.
  • Reset As Origin A: set the mark end point as the new origin and the start point for the next marking.
  • Reset As Origin B: set the mark end point as the new origin, but the rotary will move some distance (based on the distance of the object and the upper edge of software’s working area) and then start the next marking.
  • Forward Direction: go back to the origin by forward direction.
  • Please note that the origin represent different position according to the method of mark end. Only “Reset As Origin” method will consider the latest point as the origin, the other methods will treat the left-top corner of the work area as the origin.

Ext I/O Home: Using external controller (I/O) to do homing.

Ext I/O Jog+: Using external controller (I/O) to do positive shift.

Ext I/O Jog-: Using external controller (I/O) to do negative shift.

Home Speed [deg/sec]: The homing speed of rotary axis.

Home Back Speed [deg/sec]: The speed motor needs to move from home position to the edge of home sensor after reaching the home position (only for PMC2 &PCMark).

Home Reverse: Reverse the direction of homing.

Home Sensor Touching Mode (0/1): Decide that rotary axis will stop or do home in reverse direction when touching the limit sensor during homing. 0 is stop, and 1 is homing reversely.

Home End Point: Rotary axis will move to the assigned position (P0~P9) after homing.

Limit Stop Mode: Decide the motor stop rapidly (0) or slowly (1) when moving to limit sensor.

P0~P9 [deg.]: Set the position of P0~P9.

  1. Click “XY-Table…” button can do X/Y Table control setting.
  2. Click “Z-Axis…” button can do Z-Axis control setting.

Rotary Setup Wizard

The system provides three common used rotary marking functions for users to select, see Fig.6.3.01. Moreover, it also allows users to set the motor. If users click “Setting››,” then the “Rotary Control Panel” will display as Fig.6.3.02.

rotary setup wizard
  1. Calibration Marking
  2. Ring Text Marking
  3. Cylinder Marking
  4. Rotary Control Panel

Calibration Marking

Press the button to display the “Calibration Marking” dialogue box.

calibration marking

Rotary Setting

Total Angle: Set the total mark angle.

TotalLines: The amount of lines users want to mark in the range of total angle.

Direction: Select the corresponding position of scale lines as well and text.

1 st / 2 nd Scale Line

Every xxx lines to mark once

The system will mark the selected scale line in every setting amount of lines.

For example, if the value of 2 nd scale line is 10, then the system will mark the seconf scale line every 10 lines.

Please note that 1 st scale line is a default value and cannot be changed.

Length: Length of scale line (unit: mm)

Thickness: Width of scale line (unit: mm)

Show Text

Check this option to show text when marking and set the text parameters.

Start: Initial value of text(can be reversed calculation).
Step: The increasing value of text.
Precision: Set the decimal digits (from 0 to 3), and 0 means the integer mode.
Angle: The rotary angle for the text.
Text-Line Gap: Set the distance of text and scale lines.
Font: Set the text font ( TrueType, SHX, FON, FNT, etc.)
Bold: This option can be checked if the select font supports Bold type.
Italic: This option can be checked if the select font supports Italic type.
Height: Set the height of text.
Char Pitch: Set the spacing of each character.

Edit Line / Edit Text

Click the button to edit the mark parameters of the line or text.

mark parameters of the line or text

Click the button to do the further setting.


Start Angle: Set the start marking angle of the scale line.
Center Offset: The offset on center. The default value is 0.
Line’s Layer: Set theamount of scale line layer. The default layer is 2 which means there will be two kinds of scale lines. If users want to have 3 scale lines, please input 3 here.

Edit: Allow the users to edit the scale line.
Save: Export the setting values to assigned folder as a configuration file.
Load: Import the assigned configuration file.
Marking: Click this buttonand the Marking dialog will pop up. Users can click “Exec” button to execute marking or click “Exit” button to return to the setting dialog box.
Exit: Click this button to exit the dialogue box.

Ring Text Marking

Press the button to display the “Ring Text Marking” dialogue box.

Ring Text Marking

Laser Setting

Speed: Set the marking speed.
Power: Set the marking power percentage.
Freq: Set the laser frequency when marking.

Text Setting

Content: Input the text content here or click “Manager” button to insert an auto text item.
Height: Set theheight of text.
Char Angle: The rotary angle for the text.
Char Pitch: Set the spacing of each character.There are two spacing modes for users to select:

(1) Center to center spacing
A. Check the first option of “Char Pitch.”
B. The system will calculate the rotary position for each character according to the “Char Pitch” which is based on the center distance of the characters.
C. For instance, the text content is “Text”, the character pitch is 5 degrees in the center mode, the Start Angle is 90 degrees, then the marking flow is as follows:

I. The rotary axis will first turnto 90 degrees
II. Mark “T” (T in the center of the lens)
III. Turn the rotary axis forward by 5 degrees
IV. Mark “e” (e in the center of the lens)
V. Turn the rotary axis forward by 5 degrees
VI. Mark “x” (x in the center of the lens)
VII. Turn the rotary axis forward by 5 degrees
VIII. Mark “t” (t in the center of the lens)
IX. Turn the rotary axis to 0 degree

(2) Margin spacing mode

A. Check the first option of“Char Pitch.”
B. The system will calculate the rotary position for each character according to the “Char Pitch” which is based on the margin distance of the characters.
C. For instance, the text content is “Ring”, the font size is 2mm, the character pitch is 5 degrees in the margin mode, the Start Angle is 90 degrees, the diameter of work is 50mm, then the marking flow is as follows:

I. The rotary axis will first turnto 90 degrees
II. Mark “R” (R in the center of lens)
III. Turn the rotary axis forward by ( 2/50 * 360+5 = 19.4) degrees
IV. Mark “I” (i in the center of lens)
V. Turn the rotary axis forward by ( 2/50 * 360+5 = 19.4) degrees
VI. Mark “n” (n in the center of lens)
VII. Turn the rotary axis forward by ( 2/50 * 360+5 = 19.4) degrees
VIII. Mark “g” (g in the center of lens)
IX. Turn the rotary axis to the 0 degree position

Font & Style

Font: Set the font of text(TrueType, SHX, FON, FNT, etc.)
Bold: This option can be checked if the select font supports Bold type.
Italic: This option can be checked if the select font supports Italic type.


Click this button to do the futher setting.

ring text advanced

Start Angle: Set the start marking angle of the scale line.
Center Offset: The offset on center. The default value is 0.

Edit: Allow the users to edit the text.
Save: Export the setting values to assigned folder as a configuration file.
Load: Import the assigned configuration file.
Marking: Click this buttonand the Marking dialog will pop up. Users can click “Exec” button to execute marking or click “Exit” button to return to the setting dialog box.
Exit: Click this button to exit the dialogue box.

Cylinder Marking

Press the button to display the “Cylinder Marking”dialogue box. Users can import image to mark through this function.

Cylinder Marking

Rotary Setting

About rotary setting, please refer to p.28 “Cylinder Mode.”

Laser Setting

Click this button and enter the “Mark Parameter Page” to set the mark parameters.

Work Area Info.

The length and width are based on the lens mark area and the diameter of rotary users set.

Graphic Setting

File: Display the image file users import.
Size: The image size will be displayed here according to the “Fit Mode” users selected.
Fit Mode
None: Keep the original size.
Keep: Enlarge the imageisometrically to fit the work area.
X only: Enlarg the image in X direction.
Y only: Enlarg the image inYdirection.
Custom: Users can assign the size of image themselves.

Preview Window:

The image file usersimport will be displayed in this Preview Window. Any changes usersmake will be shown in the Preview Window synchronously.

Edit: Allow the users to edit the image.
Save: Export the setting values to assigned folder as a configuration file.
Load: Import the assigned configuration file.
Marking: Click this buttonand the Marking dialog will pop up. Users can click “Exec” button to execute marking or click “Exit” button to return to the setting dialog box.
Exit: Click this button to exit the dialogue box.

Motor Setting

Press the button and “Rotary Control Panel” dialog box will pop up for users to dofurther setting of rotary axis. More details please refer to the section Rotary Control Panel.

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